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League News: Know the Rules… Please

ALTA Senior Day Leagues

By Rusty Jones, Senior Day Leagues Vice President

As a long-time ALTA volunteer, I want to write about the importance of knowing and understanding the ALTA tennis rules.

Knowing the rules is an expectation of all captains, co-captains, and players on the team. I recommend that before each season, sometime during the season, and before playoffs, all players read the rules. The ALTA rules can be found on the ALTA website at altatennis.org. In your Member Portal, click on ALTA Documents>ALTA Rules>2025 ALTA Adult Tennis Rules. There you will find all the adult rules, and if you scroll down to Senior Leagues (page 4), you will find more league-specific information. As a heads up for Senior Day Leagues — The third set default in all Senior Day Leagues for the regular season, playoffs, and City Finals will be a third set tiebreak (10-point) unless all four players agree to play a third set.

A good understanding of the rules:

  • Promotes fair play and ensures all players compete on a level playing field
  • Helps players resolve disputes calmly and logically
  • Aids in the development of skills and strategies specific to competitive play
  • Fosters an environment of integrity and ethics in the game, which is important for maintaining the sports reputation and encouraging new players.

The Senior Day Leagues are always looking to make tennis competitive and more fun for the senior ALTA members. As a member of the senior set, I can speak firsthand about the aches and pains, stiff joints, and the ibuprofen that I have consumed prior to and following my tennis matches. Truth be told, not only do our bodies need to be ready for the courts but our minds need to be prepared as well. Having a good understanding of the ALTA tennis rules will help your season go smoothly!