Home Articles League News: Time For A Little ‘PT’

League News: Time For A Little ‘PT’

ALTA Sunday Women's League player

By Diane Royston, Sunday Women’s League Vice President

Yes, it is time for some “PT,” and I do not mean physical therapy. However, in a sense pickleball and tennis (PT) can be good therapy and ALTA has you covered!

As the newly elected Sunday Women’s League Vice President, I will not speak on pickleball; however, I love playing ALTA tennis. I have met many wonderful people and experienced great sportsmanship. I always look forward to playing when I am in the lineup. It is an honor and privilege to serve as vice president of the Sunday Women’s League, and I welcome you to contact me with any questions or issues not answered in the ALTA General Rules or the Captain’s Handbook.

The spring Sunday Women’s League roster registration began on January 1. As we begin this new spring season, I hope it brings new friendly rivalries, new friendships, and the realization of how fortunate we are to have such a great tennis program in which to participate.

Here are some important dates you and your team should place on your calendars. Our schedules go online Thursday, February 22, and the first season match is Sunday, March 16. The last regular-season match is April 27. Playoffs begin on Saturday, May 3, and AA City Finals will be held Saturday, May 10; City Finals for the A, B, and C levels will be Sunday, May 18. All these dates can be found on the ALTA website as well.

As we all know, the spring season provides us with challenges as teams navigate through holidays and spring breaks. With schedules going online three weeks prior to the first match, you may coordinate playing matches early if both teams agree. Please remember to get any early play agreements in writing and share with your coordinator. Also, make sure you understand the movement and default rules as they apply to matches played early (either as a dual meet or just individual lines). If you do not understand something, contact your coordinator BEFORE you play the matches! She will be able to help you through whatever situation in which you find yourself.

March 16 will be here before we know it! Captains, please be sure to refresh your knowledge of the ALTA rules (they do change!) and the Captain’s Handbook. Also be sure your teammates are familiar with the rules as well. Remember, it is the four players on the courts who must resolve any issues during play. In addition, we have a dedicated team of coordinators to assist captains and co-captains; reach out to them as needed.

Enjoy the spring season!