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A Special Day for the Special Needs Students at Smoke Rise Country Club

Racket Rally

Another Racket Rally is in the books, and it proved to be the perfect day for some special students. For the last 15 years, the Smoke Rise Country Club “tennis babes” (B8 Thursday Women) have been inviting the Tucker High School special needs classes to come and enjoy a day on the courts. This past April, 24 students, their teachers, caregivers, and bus drivers all joined in on the fun.

Club tennis pros, along with the help of many volunteers, conducted a variety of warm-ups and drills while cranking some good tunes for the kids. Everyone enjoyed the club’s delicious burgers and hotdogs, and the event concluded with a pro exhibition, which was pretty amazing to watch! This year, one of the students was so excited he just had to run out on the court and join in on the match — it was quite the day.

The teachers always say that the Racket Rally is the students’ and teachers’ best day of the year, but for these “tennis babes” and volunteers, they say it’s truly THEIRS!