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League News: Celebrating Our Coordinators!

ALTA Thursday Women

By Karen Sullivan, Thursday Women’s League Vice President

We are heading into the fall tennis season, and I would like to remind everyone of some important fall dates. Roster submission starts on June 22 with the deadline of July 13. Schedules will be posted on the website on August 24. The season starts Thursday, September 7 and fall play ends on October 19.

The cooler temperatures make autumn a wonderful time to play tennis, and fall is a great season to consider being a captain! There is no spring break to worry about, and (fingers crossed) the weather may be more cooperative. As a captain, you can find helpful information on the ALTA website. The adult league rules, season information packet, and the captain’s handbook can be found under “ALTA documents.” Your level coordinator is another great resource when you have questions, but please be aware that they may play in the same Thursday Women’s League and may not be available on Thursday mornings. They also have many teams under their administration, so do be considerate of their time.

I am continually amazed by the dedication of our volunteers. From the ALTA president to all the league VP’s, overall coordinators, and coordinators; each plays an important role in how our league operates. The hours put in by all these volunteers truly make our leagues so special. Every coordinator in the Thursday Women’s League has devoted untold hours in responding to emails, texts, and phone calls. Indeed, our leagues could not run without our coordinators.

We certainly do appreciate all you do as captain of an ALTA team, and I would like to thank you for your time and efforts in managing your team. Have you, as a member, ever considered being a volunteer for ALTA? We are always looking for tennis enthusiasts who bring energy and ideas to our organization. You can sign up on the ALTA website!