Home Court Cuisine Awesome Apple Cake

Awesome Apple Cake

Chopped apples in a mixing bowl being covered in cinnamon

Submitted by Brenda Allen, Rivermist, 2001

3   cups apples, chopped
3   cups all-purpose flour
1   cup white sugar
1   cup brown sugar
1   tsp. baking soda
1   tsp. cinnamon
1   tsp. nutmeg
1 ¹/3   cup vegetable oil
2   eggs
1   cup pecans, chopped

Mix with a heavy spoon everything except apples and nuts until blended. Add the apples and nuts and stir until mixed evenly. Note: This batter is very thick; you may want to mix in the apples with your hands. Spoon into a tube or Bundt pan and bake in a preheated oven at 325 degrees for 1 hour and 20 minutes for a crusty surface on the cake, or 1 hour for a moist cake. Let cool on a rack for 20 minutes.