Home Articles AA1 Senior Mens Team Wins 15th Consecutive City Championship

AA1 Senior Mens Team Wins 15th Consecutive City Championship

AA1 senior men's team

St. Ives Country Club Senior Men AA1 have done it again. Actually, they’ve done it again for the 15th time. The team, which has an impressive roster, has won another City Finals.

The team includes teaching professionals and players who competed in college and on the ATP tour. Many have USTA state, national and world rankings. The team is comprised of the who’s who of tennis in Atlanta, said captain Creig Matthieson, who also is director of tennis at St. Ives.

Many players have been on the roster for 15 years and have helped contribute to the streak of wins during summer City Finals each year.

“The success of the team comes from within,” Matthieson said. “Great sportsmanship and camaraderie amongst all members contributes to the team staying together for 15 years with one common goal: winning the ALTA AA1 Senior Men’s City Finals and enjoying our sport — tennis — for a lifetime.”

The roster includes Matthieson, co-captain Tom Smith, Keith Banister, Mark Billson, Ryan Blake, Joe Braver, Chris Bussert, John Callen, Shannon Chase, Damon Costner, David Dvorak, Stephen Enochs, Trey Gaskins, Troy Goers, Terry Gratz, Mitchell Green, John Hanna, Bobby Light, Scott Lindsey, Terry Markham, Gavin O’Connell, Larry Schnall, Thad Slaton, Taylor St. Clair and Chris Sylvestor.